AP0240480 - Aprilia

Plug screw 1/8-27NPT
Certified Genuine Aprilia Parts
Plug screw 1/8-27NPT
For the price and availability of this part


The spare plug screw 1/8-27npt part number AP0240480 is a genuine Aprilia part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number Aprilia
Part Diagram Vehicle information Country Part diagram
PEGASO PEGASO 600 1990 Oil filter
PEGASO PEGASO 600 1991 Oil filter
PEGASO PEGASO 650 1992 Oil pump N>S
PEGASO PEGASO 650 1993 Oil pump N>S
PEGASO PEGASO 650 1994 Oil pump N>S
PEGASO PEGASO 650 1995 Oil pump N>S
PEGASO PEGASO 650 1996 Oil pump N>S
ETX ETX 125 1998 Cylinder - Head - Piston
MX SuperMotard MX 125 2004 Cylinder - Head - Piston
MX SuperMotard MX 125 2005 Cylinder - Head - Piston
MX SuperMotard MX 125 2006 Cylinder - Head - Piston
RX (engine 122cc) RX 125 1995 Cylinder - Head - Piston
RX (engine 122cc) RX 125 1996 Cylinder - Head - Piston
RX (engine 122cc) RX 125 1997 Cylinder - Head - Piston
RX (engine 122cc) RX 125 1998 Cylinder - Head - Piston